Planning for the Future in 2015

Happy New Year! Let's be honest, how many times have you heard or even uttered the phrase "I can't believe it's 2015"? You can't avoid it, but it's getting a little annoying now



Back to the Future

As 15 comes straight after 14, it shouldn't come as any great surprise. But it does sound a bit futuristic doesn't it?

It puts it into perspective when the film Back to The Future II sent the DeLorean car into the future, to the year 2015. The film featured self-lacing trainers, hover boards and glasses phones in 2015, which, although not exactly common features on our streets today, do actually exist (Nike are apparently developing the self-lacing trainers this year).

Planning ahead with a will

What 2015 means to me is another year of getting older, and with that comes that inevitable feeling of mortality. Sorry to depress you.

To that end, my husband and I have promised to sort out our will this year. Being a lawyer, it is an appalling confession to make that I actually haven't got a will yet. Completely irresponsible I know, but it's a bit like being a builder. You work really hard on everyone else's houses but you run out of steam when it comes to your own.

I've had "draft a will" on my to-do list for years, but have never got around to actually doing one. I haven't put it down as a New Year's resolution as that's a sure fire way of ensuring it never gets done. I hate New Year's resolutions with a passion.

Guardians for the children

I'm pretty sure it won't be difficult drawing up a will. It's not as if we have a lot to give away, except debts. However, there is one crucial decision we have to make, and that's who is the "lucky" person or persons who will be named as guardians of our children.

I thought it was a pretty straightforward decision. My lovely sister is the obvious choice. My boys love her and her children, and I think secretly would have preferred her as a mother. She already has 4 children and a dog, so would she notice having another 2 (plus 2 cats) in the house? She seems to thrive on chaos anyway.

Being quite open parents, we asked our boys for their view on this. My eldest didn't hesitate in voting for his Aunty. But rather strangely my youngest declined. You could see his mind was whirring so we asked him who he would prefer to have as his guardian:

"Uncle Ben"

"Uncle Ben isn't actually your uncle, you do know that? He's mummy's work colleague"

"I know that"

"So why Uncle Ben"

"He has a nice big house in France and he swears a lot" came the reply.

It's amazing what makes kids happy. However, for that exact reason (the swearing, not the house) "Uncle" Ben will not be making it onto the shortlist for guardian, or perhaps even house guest anytime in the future.

Amanda Coxen, Working Mum and Tinies Director

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