These clients were both high achievers with the father working in financial services in the city and the mother working as a senior Civil Servant. Having lived in London all their lives to be near their chosen careers, they now had 3 children: an 8–year-old boy, a 6-year-old girl and a 1-year-old girl. They had recently moved into a larger house to accommodate their growing family which was a little further out from central London and which made commuting times a little longer. They had employed a nanny previously who recently back to their home country, prior to their house move.
Following their move to a larger house with better garden in a leafier area, a problem they had was the longer commute. Although both mother and father had flexibility within their senior roles, they struggled now to get away from work in time to collect 1-year-old girl from nursery, followed by collecting the 6-year-old girl from school. The 8-year-old boy has medium special educational needs (SEN) in the form of autism and was currently enrolled in an SEN school in the opposite direction to where the nursery was for his two sisters. The main issue was how all children could get to and be collected from schools and then cared for in early evening.
In seeking a new nanny, the family had noticed engaging Instagram and other social media posts by Tinies. Through the father’s work, which offered a back up care client service through Bright Horizons (a service they had previously used and were impressed by the quality of the caregivers supplied by Tinies), they turned to Tinies for support when seeking a permanent nanny. The Tinies consultant listened to their needs, understood the challenges that they faced having worked on similar enquiries and following consultation both the father and mother were very happy to engage Tinies’ help in the search.
After a detailed analysis of the family’s needs it was established that a full time live in or live out nanny would be the best fit for the family. The 1-year-old girl had to be taken out of her existing nursery as it was now simply too far away. Fortunately, another private nursery setting was just a few streets away. After a quick visit to meet the manager and look around the 1-year-old girl was enrolled.
Following a very detailed brief worked on by the family and the Tinies Consultant, Tinies set to work to find the perfect candidate. Tinies identified around five nannies already registered which might suit, however after discussion with those nannies, it was established that only two of them had the requisite experience to ably assist the 8-year-old boy with autism. After careful briefing with those two candidates so they fully understood the role, their CVs were sent over to parents to consider starting with. After creating a detailed job specification, the Tinies Consultant placed the job on the Tinies website and another job board. Within two days, the Tinies consultant had five well qualified, fully briefed candidates to send over. Following interviews, two candidates were trialled and with Tinies careful advice and guidance, the perfect live in candidate was sourced.
The successful candidate started with the family two weeks later and fit in brilliantly to family life. As a driver, she was able to drop all children at school and collect them in afternoons three times a week, whilst the parents collected on two days a week. The family were very satisfied with the results and on the parent feedback forms explained how easy our registration process was and how well our Tinies Consultant understood the family’s requirements from the start. Communication was always great, and our consultant was always available to answer questions and guide. A very satisfied client!