Mum, Son, and Celebrity Status

Whilst watching their guilty pleasure "Strictly Come Dancing", Amanda and her 10 year old son discussed being famous and Amanda's own "claims to fame"



Strictly what?

There are many positives about having 2 boys, but being made to watch sport on the TV is not one of them. Every weekend I'm subjected to football matches, rugby matches, cricket, golf and the completely bizarre world of WWE.

So, you can imagine my delight when my youngest declared that Saturday night was Strictly night and he was bagging the TV. Much to the horror of his father, who is allergic to sequins and glitter.

I have to confess that I wasn't entirely sure who most of the contestants were on Strictly, and so we started talking about fame and what "being famous" meant.

Appearing on TV

He asked if I had ever been on TV and I confessed that I had. His little face lit up as he imagined his mum in all sorts of famous situations...

  • Being interviewed on the news: never happened. My co directors, Ben and Ollie, are frequently asked to give interviews. Me, not so much. And that's a good thing
  • Appearing on a quiz show: this is my youngest's idea of heaven. He watches as many TV quiz shows as he can. I pointed out to him that whenever we've watched them together, I only ever answer 1 question to his 20. So the chances of me appearing on one of those is zero
  • Competing on Ninja Warrior UK: apparently a mum from school was on this, but failed at the first hurdle. "Imagine the humiliation if that was you, Mum. I don't think you should apply."

The truth is that my moment of TV glory was probably watched by an audience of less than a thousand, given that my friend and I were interviewed on the local TV station of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, USA. Whilst travelling around the States we found ourselves in this one-horse town, and just happened to be trying to post letters home when someone stuck a microphone in front of us. The shock on their faces when we started talking in English accents was priceless. They actually asked us if we knew Princess Diana. It was TV gold.

Celebrity encounters

My son was suitably unimpressed by his mother's lack of TV presence. I then proceeded to tell him about my few brushes with fame to try and gain some brownie points:

  • My best friend at primary school played a Jawa in the first Star Wars movie. "It would have been cooler if you had been in the film." Good point
  • Kate Humble used to sleep on my floor at college. "Is that the nature lady? That's lame not fame, Mum." That's poor Kate shot down in flames

So, my Z list encounters were not enough to impress my son. As he watched some more "celebrities" stumble around the dance floor, I asked him if he wanted to be famous. "I already am, Mum. I'm a legend at school." And that's a good enough starting point for a career that could eventually "peak" on Strictly!

Amanda Coxen, Working Mum and Tinies Director

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