Tantrums - How to Stay in Control

We all know that children have tantrums. However, it's easy for people to forget that they were once in your shoes willing their child to get up off the floor of the supermarket



The disapproving stares and the "tutting" don't help. Children will always choose the perfect moment to do this and unfortunately as much as you try to stay calm it can be very hard.

Here are some top tantrum tips

  • Don't worry what everyone else is thinking – 9 times out of 10 they will have experienced, or seen, worse
  • Get down to the children's level, talk to them calmly and quietly, but be firm
  • Tell them quietly you can't understand them whilst they are shouting/screaming and if they want you to listen they need to stop
  • Sometimes it helps to tell them to take deep breaths and count with you to 10
  • Give them three warnings - allow them to try and correct their behavior
  • If they have got so worked up that none of the above works - try hugging them (particularly young ones, who now probably just want to be cuddled), or last resort pick them up and carry them to a quiet spot away from the scene of the crime.

Children like boundaries

The first few times you try the above it may not work, but don't give up. Believe it or not, children like boundaries and if they get to know the difference in the tones of your voice, they will soon understand what is unacceptable behaviour.

Also the more you stay in control the easier each one will be to manage, and you will feel better doing it this way than shouting.

Katy Hayden, Professional Nanny of the Year 2009-2010

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